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Scent Name:  Paisley Sheet Ghost

Manufacturer: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab –  Halloween 2021: 

Scent Description and Notes: “Inspired by shapes in nature, such as fruits, nuts, leaves, and trees, this lively pattern is Persian in origin, evolving over the centuries from a simpler floral design into a “boteh” or bush, gradually becoming the curved, teardrop-shaped element we’re familiar with today. A pattern with a rich and varied history, it only became popularized as “paisley” when shawl-makers in the town of Paisley, Scotland began copying the latest designs coming out of Kashmir.

This worldliness (not to mention associations with the psychedelic movement of the 1960s) imparts a sense of bohemian sophistication to paisley sheet ghost encounters, leaving witnesses with many intriguing questions. For example: is that ectoplasm, or hash resin?

Weedsmoke-infused white sandalwood, wild oakmoss, cannabis flower accord, hash resin accord, tonka bean, lavender bud, champaca flower, and tolu balsam.

Please note: this perfume contains no THC, no cannabis, no mary jane, no doobage, no squidgy black, no nothin’. Get thee to a dispensary, go. -https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/halloween-2021/freak-in-the-sheets/paisley-sheet-ghost-perfume-oil/

Oil Color:  The color of sun-kissed birch wood.

Bottle Design and Artwork:  This is a 1/32 imp decant from Ajevie. The label features the year and the company name across the font in large burgundy and purple font. The back of the label has the company name and scent notes in small black font, while the name of the scent is above that in larger stylized black font. The bottle image appears as follows:


  • ITI:   Hmm, I was expecting heavy cannabis accord, like in Blacklight-Reactive Poster, but I’m met with assertive lavender bud and oakmoss imparting a freshly laundered tone with just a suggestion of throaty greenness far below.  I honestly wouldn’t know it was cannabis accord  as it comes off as more roundly green than cannabis accords from the Lab in the past.
  • Wet:  The lavender and white oakmoss are the dominant players on the skin, clean, lightly soapy, but pleasant.  Just a few seconds in, swirls of sandalwood and a soft woodiness join in, trailing the most demure cannabis I have yet to encounter.  This is grandma’s sheet ghost, clean, comforting, yet self-possessed enough to drift off into the garage for a minute or two when the grandkids are comfortably asleep.
  • Dry:  Hmm.  After almost 4 hours, the scent has settled into a dry, softly wooded sandalwood brushed with champaca, a pinch of lavender, and grounded with a musky white oakmoss.  There’s no cannabis around anymore.  What remains is gently wistful.

Other Impressions:  [Wet] “Like lemony and dusky.”-Tony