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Scent Name:  Cognac-Stained Sheet Ghost

Manufacturer: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab –  Halloween 2021: 

Scent Description and Notes: “Many believe that our ghostly form will bear traces of the experiences that marked us in life. As such, the sheet ghost you encounter at dawn may bear little resemblance to the pristine figure who set out to join the revel the night before. Drifting homeward, who wouldn’t be grateful for the concealment of a shroud, albeit one covered in evidence of the night’s debaucheries? Just make sure you don’t spark a cig anywhere near this bedraggled creature – important etiquette for all sheet ghost encounters, but especially if they happen to be soaked in spirits.

Vanilla-infused balsam, white cognac, and tumbleweeds.” -https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/halloween-2021/freak-in-the-sheets/cognac-stained-sheet-ghost-perfume-oil/

Oil Color:  Colorless.

Bottle Design and Artwork:  This is a 1/32 imp decant from Ajevie. The label features the year and the company name across the font in large burgundy and purple font. The back of the label has the company name and scent notes in small black font, while the name of the scent is above that in larger stylized black font. The bottle image appears as follows:


  • ITI:  Very aromatic, almost anise-forward vanilla-infused cognac, light yet fragrantly resinous balsam underneath.  This would definitely be at home among the Laces.
  • Wet:  This is stunning!  An ephemeral balsam-soaked white vanilla cognac with just a hint of aromatic herbals drifts softly from my wrist.  There is a sense of dryness here that I think might be the tumbleweed note, but it’s muted underneath the glorious vanilla, cognac, and balsam notes.
  • Dry:   5 hours after application, I’m left with a very faint wooded vanilla, warm and soft, with just a touch of husk.  Very pleasant.

Other Impressions:  [Wet] “Suntan lotion and new floaties. Beachy.  No, it’s probably suntan oil, not lotion.” -Tony