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Scent Name:  Drops of Melting Snow

Manufacturer:  Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – Lupercalia 2024: Shunga –

Scent Description and Notes:  “Snow-laden cherry trees, winter peonies, white rose petals, and black plum juice.” -https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/novel-ideas-for-secret-amusements-2024/drops-of-melting-snow-perfume-oil/

Oil Color:  Colorless.

Bottle Design and Artwork: This is a standard vial / imp size (1/32 oz) that has been decanted from Ajevie. The label features the year and the scent name in stylized large black font with the perfume company name in a more normal and smaller black font underneath it. The back of the label has the scent notes in small black font, while the spine of the label features the name of the company and year in burgundy and red font.


  • ITI:   Oh, that’s lovely and  diaphanous with swirls of pale cherry blossoms and peony touched lightly with plum, vibrant floral, fruit notes muted by crisp snow. 
  • Wet:  Snowy, quiet cherry blossoms flecked with plum juice while pale white rose blooms behind it, lending an opalescent floral beauty to the atmospheric sense of light snow falling in the morning light to the scent.  Very nice.
  • Dry:  After 30 minutes, the cherry blossom seems kissed with a peony-carnation spice, while a light shadow of plum lingers underneath the petals.  Snow is quiet, light, and rose-tinted.  Lovely and light.

Other Impressions:  [Wet] “Pie, cinnamon, and cranberry.” -Tony