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Scent Name:  Laurel-Crowned Skull with Caesar’s Band Flyer

Manufacturer: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab –  Halloween 2021:

Scent Description and Notes: “Evert Collier
Bay leaf, shimmering amber, tobacco flower, golden fig, Italian cypress, silvered ambergris, and warm balsam.
” -https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/halloween-2021/vanitas/laurel-crowned-skull-with-caesars-band-flyer-perfume-oil/

Oil Color:  Colorless.

Bottle Design and Artwork:  This is a 1/32 imp decant from Ajevie. The label features the year and the company name across the font in large burgundy and purple font. The back of the label has the company name and scent notes in small black font, while the name of the scent is above that in larger stylized black font. The bottle image appears as follows:


  • ITI:  Clean, sparkling fig with a pleasantly dry rush of bay and cypress, decorated sparingly with bits of amber.  This strikes me more as a Yule scent than a Halloween, but I’m here for it.
  • Wet:   I’m still getting that beautiful fig note, but now it’s adorned in a warm, slightly vanillic amber, trailing in a gust of cypress and bay from the cold.  The tobacco and balsam emerge emerge after a few seconds, imparting a woody and sweet roundness to the chilled cypress and bay tones.
  • Dry:   This smells like those scented perfume advertisements in magazines, slightly papery cypress with an infusion of buoyant but inoffensive amber’d fig and a touch of soft tobacco after 5 hours.  It’s pleasant, but not something I would reach for.

Other Impressions:  [Wet] “It’s the candle aisle.  I even smell paraffin.  It’s a nice room smell, but an unusual choice for a person smell.” -Tony